Saturday, June 17, 2017

Timelines and Pages and Groups... Oh My!

Facebook’s timelines, Pages and groups are the platforms for communicating. Each platform is distinct and different. There are rules that should be followed to have a happy Facebook life.

This is YOUR personal soapbox. You can espouse your epistemology on life, your political views and whatever you like. Because Timelines are personal soapboxes, they need to be respected as such. No one has any business encroaching and challenging personal views on a Timeline. When you see a view that opposes your perspective, just click an appropriate emoji and move on. You can also simply read the post, then just scroll on.  When notifications from anyone becomes excessive and annoying… just UNFOLLOW that person.  If worse comes to worse, just “UNFRIEND” that person.  Finally, you can always BLOCK an offensive person.

Facebook Pages are promotional platforms for your brand. Pages are configured to make it easy for folks to “LIKE” and stay up to date with whatever is being promoted. Folks can reply to your posts.  However, folks are limited in posting to a Page. Folks are considered “visitors” and their posts show up in a separate area off of the main Page.  You have control of your Page. You can remove posts and visitors from your Page.

Facebook groups are EXCLUSIVE platforms.  Groups are configured as “open”, “closed” or “secret”.  In all instance folks have to be APPROVED to be a member.  Group administrators have a lot of control. Groups are topic-based.  Most group administrators will not allow members to go
“Off-Topic”. Administrators have varying degrees of tolerant. Some will simply remove the off-topic posts.  Some administrators are totally intolerant and will remove the post, delete the member or BAN the offending member.  So, read the rules and stay on topic.  Do the "do's' and don't do the "don'ts"!

Other relevant stuff…

I believe the word is out about posting chain letters on folks’ Timeline.  So now these vicious low-life folks have resorted to sending chain letters via Messenger.  They are ashamed and have resorted to this sneaky stealth-like approach.

Stay out of folks Messenger!!!!  The Messenger application is ONLY to send immediate messages of a private nature.  It is not for sending those damn, vicious chain letters!!!  The standard operating procedure is that when someone sends a chain letter, simply forward it back to the sender, then BLOCK the sender from your Messenger.   


If you do not know how to BLOCK, BAN, UNFRIEND, UNFOLLOW, and REMOVE TAGs, you have no business on Facebook. So GIT!