Saturday, September 29, 2018

Frugal Airport Planning

I have been a air traveler for many years going back to about 1979 for professional conferences. In recent years, my travels have been predominately from MDW to LAS for my Las Vegas getaways! So, I know a whole lot about have expensive time can be in airports.

For my many travels to Las Vegas, I know that a lot of money can be dropped in an airport. However, I do not factor associated airport spending in my travel plans.  Today, I am more frugal that ever with travel costs.  So, I am always engaged in critical thinking and planning to keep travel costs as low as possible. Just last month, while in line to board at McCarran, a guy was in front of me and displayed a fantastic idea!  On the sides of his backpack, he had 2 water bottles filled with tea!  Apparently, he saved his empty water bottles for entry through TSA.  Once past security, he filled his bottles with water and added the tea mix!! How smart!!!  I will start doing the same, from now on!!

In the meantime, here are some frugal airport travel tips:
  • Purchase snacks before travel day.
  • Purchase tea packs before travel day.
  • Secure empty 8 ounce water bottles before travel day.
  • Prepare favorite sandwiches morning of travel. 
Hence, once I arrive at Midway, there is no need to spend money unless I want a cup of hot coffee.

Going to McCarran on the way home, well, there is nothing much I can do. The only thing I can do is pack my empty bottles for TSA, then fill with water and mix with tea.
For snack, I'll just pick up something from Walgreens, CVS or the ABC Stores before travel day.

I think this is a workable, practical and frugal travel plan.  Yes!!

Happy travels!!

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